Your furnace and air conditioning unit need to be inspected annually to keep your home and family safe. If they aren’t examined regularly, they could cause you thousands of dollars in damage. That would not be a fun withdrawal to make from your bank account. Here are just a few things you should know about taking care of your HVAC system.


Your HVAC should be inspected annually to make sure it is running at full capacity, correctly and efficiently. When your units are running efficiently, you are saving money because your unit is cooling and heating as it should without additional strain. Because you are taking care of them, you are extending the lifespan. So those annual maintenance inspections will end up pay for themselves if you can catch a problem before it gets to be a huge problem.

If you aren’t sure when the best time to service your furnace or air conditioning system, here are a few of the best times during the year.

Spring time

Spring is the best time to have your air conditioning unit looked at. Your unit has been sitting unused for several months because your furnace has been doing all the work during the winter. Before that first heat wave hits, your air conditioning unit should be inspected to make sure it is working correctly. If you turn it on and something happens, it could cost a pretty penny to get it fixed and working again.


It is show time for your furnace for the next few months. Because you don’t want to be left out in the cold if your furnace breaks, it is essential to have it inspected before you start using it on a daily basis. Experts say that it should be serviced a month before you will start using it consistently. When it is checked out, you can rest assured that it is running correctly and there is nothing wrong with it.

Contact us

If your HVAC needs work of any kind performed, give us a call! We are a class A contractor, fully licensed and insured in both Virginia and West Virginia. If you would like to schedule an estimate or would like more information about the services we offer, Contact us or call us at 540-662-9706 in Winchester or 540-635-9706 in Front Royal today!

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