Is it better to leave the vents open in unused rooms? Or is it more efficient to close them off? Well! These are the most common questions people ask regarding their HVAC system.

You may have heard many times that you should close the vents and shut the door to reduce your energy use. Closing the air vents in unused rooms may seem like a good initiative to save money on your AC and heating bill, but this isn’t quite the case.

Here’s why:

Leaking Ductwork

Pressure builds up in your ducts when you close the vents. The increased pressure prevents the air from flowing properly through the duct system, causing leaks in your ducts. This air movement is actually very controlled and ensures that the right air goes to the right duct. Eventually, it makes it impossible for the air to flow correctly through the rest of the system.

Losing Efficiency

The buildup of pressure puts a lot of strain on the equipment itself. The air conditioner starts working harder to distribute the air throughout your home. Now, your air conditioner has to run longer to cool the same amount of space with less volume of cooled air. So, when you close the vents, you are spoiling the balance of your AC system.

Costing You Money

Close a few vents and the coils will start freezing quickly. This, in turn, will put a strain on the outer surface of the AC unit and leads to its malfunctioning. Eventually, you’ll have to spend your precious time and money on AC repairs or replacement.
What Should Be The Solution?

So what can be done to keep your home cool as well as save money on your summer energy bill? Leave your AC vents open to ensure the efficiency of your air conditioner. Or follow these steps before you close the vents:

• Make sure that your ducts are sealed and connected properly. With a well-designed system having low static pressure and sealed ducts, you may not have a problem as long as you don’t close too many vents. Investigate and fix what you can and contact an HVAC professional to inspect your ducts thoroughly.

• Get an expert advice on which vents should be closed without placing stress on your ducts. This can only be determined after checking how your ducts are connected and installed..

• A zoned system can also be considered, in which a home is broken into zones for the efficient functioning of the HVAC system. It depends on multiple thermostats to control dampers within the ductwork.

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